
Recent papers

Fischer, U., Mosier, K., Schmid, J., Smithsimmons, D., and Brougham, R. (2023).  Braiding – A novel approach to supporting space/ground communication under signal latency.  Acta Astronautica. DOI:

Fischer, U. & Mosier, K. (2020).  Examining teamwork of space crewmembers and mission control personnel under crew autonomy:  A multiteam system perspective.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 64 (1), 164-168.  DOI:10.1177/1071181320641041

Mosier, K. L. & Fischer, U. (2021). Meeting the challenge of transmission delay: Communication protocols for space operations. Human Factors. Online first, DOI:10.1177/00187208211047085


Burian, B. K., Kochan, J. A., Mosier, K., & Fischer, U. (2017).  Autonomous, Context-Sensitive, Task Management Systems and Decision Support Tools II: Contextual Constraints and Information Sources.  NASA Technical Report 219539. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Moffett Field, CA.  Download File

Gontar, P., Fischer, U., & Bengler, K. (2017).  Methods to evaluate pilots’ cockpit communication: Cross-recurrence analysis vs. speech-act based analyses.  Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 11(4), 337-352. Download File

Mosier, K., Fischer, U., Burian, B. K., & Kochan, J. A. (2017).  Autonomous, Context-Sensitive, Task Management Systems and Decision Support Tools I: Human-Autonomy Teaming Fundamentals and State of the Art.  NASA Technical Report 219565. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Moffett Field, CA.  Download File


Fischer, U. & Mosier, K. (2016).  Protocols for asynchronous communication in space operations:  Communication analyses and experimental studies.  Final Report on NASA Grant NNX12AR19G. Atlanta GA: Georgia Institute of Technology. Download File


Durso, F. T., Stearman, E. J., Morrow, D. G., Mosier, K. L., Fischer, U, Pop, V. L., & Feigh, K. M.  (2015).  Exploring relationships of human-automation interaction consequences on pilots:  Uncovering subsystems.  Human Factors, 57, 397-406.

Fischer, U. & Mosier, K. (2015).  Communication protocols to support collaboration in distributed teams under asynchronous conditions. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 59, 1-5. Download File

Gonzalez, K., Mosier, K. L., Lam, J., & Fischer, U. (2015).  Characteristics impacting teamwork and performance for space operations.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 59, 936-940.

Ligda, S. V., Fischer, U., Mosier, K., Matessa, M., Battiste, V., & Johnson W. W. (2015).  Effectiveness of advanced collaboration tools on crew communication in reduced crew operations.  Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, 9174, 416-427.


Fischer, U. & Mosier, K. (2014).  The impact of communication delay and medium on team performance and communication in distributed teams. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society  Annual Meeting, 58, 115-119.  Download File

Matzke B., Houston, S., Fischer, U. & Bradshaw, M. J. (2014). Using a team-centered approach to evaluate the effectiveness of nurse-physician communications.  Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 43(6), 684-694. Download File

Miller, C. A., Fischer, U., Smith-Jentsch, K., Kozlowski, S. W. J., Moiser, K. et al. (2014).  Research in long term human performance in space:  Methods and implications.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society  Annual Meeting, 58, 72-76.  Download File

Mosier, K. & Fischer, U. (2014).  Crew Resource Management (CRM) principles and practices for Single Pilot Operations (SPO):  Literature review.  Final Report (part 1) on Grant NNX12AB08A.  Atlanta, GA:  Georgia Institute of Technology. Download File

Mosier, K. & Fischer, U. (2014).  Crew Resource Management (CRM) principles and practices for Single Pilot Operations (SPO): CRM interviews and observations.  Final Report (part 2) on Grant NNX12AB08A.  Atlanta, GA:  Georgia Institute of Technology. Download File


Fischer, U., Morrow, D., Miller, C., Mosier, K., Veinott, B., & Orasanu, J. (2013). Exploring communication in remote teams:  Issues and methods.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society  Annual Meeting, 57, 309-313.  Download File

Fischer, U., Mosier, K., & Orasanu, J. (2013).  The impact of transmission delays on Mission Control – Space Crew communication.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 57, 1372-1376. Download File

Mosier, K.L., Fischer, U., Morrow, D., Feigh, K., Durso, F., Sullivan, K., & Pop, V. (2013).  Automation, task, and context features:  Impacts on pilots’ judgments of human-automation interaction.  Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 7, 377-399.  Download File

Sullivan, K. B., Feigh, K. M., Mappus, R., Durso, F. T., Fischer, U., Popp, V., Mosier, K. M., & Morrow, D. G. (2013). Using neural networks to assess flight deck human-automation interaction.  Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 114, 26-35.


Mosier, K., Fischer, U. & Orasanu, J.(2012).  Addressing the challenges in NextGen decision making.  Interim Report #3, FAA/NASA NextGen Flight Deck Human Factors Research Interagency Agreement #DTFAWA-10-X-80005.  Moffett Field, CA:  NASA Ames Research Center.  Download File


Attarwala, A., Jagdish, D., & Fischer, U. (2011). Real Time Collaborative Video Annotation Using Google App Engine and XMPP Protocol, Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 738-739.

Mosier, K., Fischer, U. & Orasanu, J. (2011). Flight crew decision making:  Now and NextGen.  Interim Report FAA/NASA NextGen Flight Deck Human  Factors Research Interagency Agreement #DTFAWA-10-X-80005.  Moffett Field, CA:  NASA Ames Research Center.  Download File


Fischer, U., Jagdish, D., Attarwala, A. (2010).  ‘ECOVRD’ –A tablet PC-based tool to support observational studies. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 54, 631-635. Download File

Jagdish, D., Attarwala, A., & Fischer, U. (2010).  Behavior assessment and visualization tool. Proceedings of CHI 2010,  3871-3876.

Mosier, K. L., & Fischer, U. M. (2010). The role of affect in Naturalistic Decision Making.  Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 4, 240-255. Download File


Fischer, U. (2009).   Using team communication to monitor team cohesion.  Final report on Cooperative Agreement NNA05CS50A.  Atlanta, GA:  Georgia Institute of Technology. Download File


Fischer, U. (2008). Operational factors influencing pilots’ decision making under risk.  Final report on Cooperative Agreement NNA04CC84A.  Atlanta, GA:  Georgia Institute of Technology. Download File

Morrow, D. G., Miller, L. M. S., Ridolfo, H. E., Magnor, C., Fischer, U. M., Kokayeff, N. K., & Stine-Morrow, E. A. L. (2008). Expertise and age differences in pilot decision making. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 16(1), 33-55.


Fischer, U., McDonnell, L., & Orasanu, J. (2007).  Linguistic correlates of team performance: Toward a tool for monitoring team functioning during space missions.  Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 78 (5), Section II, B86-95. Download File


Orasanu, J., Fischer, U., Tada, Y. & Kraft, N. (2004).  Team stress and performance:  Implications for long-duration space missions.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 48, 552-556.


Davison, J., Fischer, U., & Orasanu, J. (2003). When language becomes a barrier instead of a bridge:   Communication failures between pilots and air traffic controllers. Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology .  Columbus, OH. Download File

Fischer, U. & Orasanu, J. (2003).  Do you see what I see?  Effects of crew position on interpretation of flight problems.  NASA Technical Report 209612. National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Moffett Field, CA. Download File

Fischer, U., Orasanu, J., & Davison, J. (2003). Why do pilots take risks? Some insights from a think-aloud study. In M. J. Cook (Ed.), Proceedings of the Human Factors of Decision Making in Complex Systems Meeting (pp. 44–46). Dundee, Scotland: University of Abertay. Download File

Fischer, U., Davison, J., & Orasanu, J. (2003). What makes flight situations risky?  Examining commercial and general aviation pilots’ concept of risk.  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 12, 380-384. Download File

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Fischer, U. (2000). Cultural variability in crew discourse. Final report on Cooperative Agreement NCC- 2-933. Atlanta, GA: Georgia Institute of Technology.  Download File

Fischer U., & Orasanu, J. (2000).  Error-challenging strategies:  Their role in preventing and correcting errors.  Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 44(1), 30-33. Download File

Fischer, U., & Orasanu, J. (1999).  Say it again, Sam!  Effective communication strategies to mitigate pilot error.  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 10, 362-366. Download File

Fischer, U. & Orasanu, J. (1999). Cultural diversity and crew communication.  Proceedings of the 50th International Astronautical Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oct. 4-8.  Download File

Fischer, U., Orasanu, J. & Wich, M. (1995).  Experts’ pilots perceptions of problem situations.  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 8, 777-782. Download File

Fischer, U., Orasanu, J. & Montalvo, M. (1993). Efficient decision strategies on the flight deck.  Proceedings of the International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 7, 238-243. Download File